Urge NFL Owners to Allow Fan Investment in Football Franchises

Urge NFL Owners to Allow Fan Investment in Football Franchises

April 25, 2024
Signatures: 70Next Goal: 100
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Why this petition matters

As lifelong fans of the National Football League (NFL), we have seen the passion and dedication that we bring to this beloved sport. We fill the stands, don our team's jerseys, and pass on our love for the game through generations. Yet, when it comes to ownership and financial sustainability of our teams, we are sidelined. The league's ownership rules are now being reconsidered and the future of the league should not rest on detached sovereign wealth funds or private equity investors but should also involve those who truly champion this sport - we, the fans.

Therefore, we urge NFL owners to permit fans to invest in football franchises using regulated investment crowdfunding (RIC). This would democratize franchise ownership and ensure that those who genuinely care about their teams' success can contribute directly.

Through Regulation A ("Reg A") crowdfunding, each team could provide fans with up to $75 million per year of investment opportunity. It would deepen fan loyalty and engagement and give local communities the opportunity to directly benefit economically from a team's success. As one recent high school grad told us "If given the chance, I would invest because then everywhere I sit would become part of the owner's box."  

It is time for NFL owners to join with their biggest supporters - us. Let's make this game truly ours by allowing fan investment in football franchises. Sign this petition now if you believe in a more inclusive future for NFL ownership!

Background here:

SBJ: Gridiron grassroots: The case for fan-owned NFL franchises (sportsbusinessjournal.com) 

SBJ: New NFL committee looks at ownership rules

About CfPA: CfPA Homepage and Crowdfunding Ecosystem 


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Signatures: 70Next Goal: 100
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